Vue typescript class component decorators

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Designed for vue 3, do the same work like vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator.

  • Community desired vue class component with typescript decorators.
  • Safety. Transform es class to vue option api according to specifications.
  • Performance. Once transform on project loading, ready for everywhere.
  • Support both es class inherit and vue component extending.

Welcome to suggest and contribute. Message me on github.


npm install -S vue-facing-decorator

How to use



import { Component, Ref, Watch, Prop, Inject, Emit, Base, } from "vue-facing-decorator"; import AnotherComponent from "./AnotherComponent.vue"; //super class. See extends section. class Sup extends Base { //reactivity super property supProperty = "supProperty"; //super method supMethod() {} //super getter get supGetter() { return "supGetter"; } } //component class @Component({ //OPTION, component name name: "MyComponent", //OPTION, emits emits: ["update:modelValue"], //OPTION, provide object or function(this:Comp){return {foo:'bar'}} provide: { provideKey: "provideValue", }, //OPTION, components components: { AnotherComponent, }, //OPTION, inheritAttrs inheritAttrs:true, //OPTION, expose expose:[], //OPTION, directives directives:{ }, //OPTION, this will be assigned to vue option options: { beforeRouteEnter() { }, }, //OPTION, use modifier to modify component option built by vue-facing-decorator modifier: (option: any) => { console.log("generated optoin", option); option.methods ??= {}; option.methods.method2 = function () { console.log("method2"); }; return option; }, }) export default class Comp extends Sup { //emit an event with name of method @Emit() eventName(arg: any) { return arg; } //emit an event with custom name and promise value //event will be emitted when promise resolved @Emit("eventCustomNamePromise") event2(arg: any) { return new Promise((resolver) => { resolver(arg); }); } //create a ref @Ref readonly ref!: HTMLDivElement; //create a prop @Prop({ //prop options required: true, default: "default prop", type: String, validator(v: string) { console.log("prop validator", v); return true; }, }) readonly prop!: string; //v-model default prop @Prop({ required: true, type: Number, }) readonly modelValue!: number; //reactivity property property = "property"; //getter get getter() { return "getter"; } //method method() { //call vue api this.$forceUpdate(); //set reactivity property += ">"; //trigger update v-model this.$emit("update:modelValue", this.modelValue + 1); } //create a watcher @Watch("property", { //watcher options deep: true, immediate: true, flush: "post", }) propertyWatcher(newv: string, oldv: string) { console.log("property changed", newv, oldv); } //inject from acient components @Inject({ //inject options default: "defult value", from: "provideAcientKey", }) provideAcientKeyAlias!: string; mounted() { //vue lifecycle console.log( this.ref, this.getter,, this.supProperty, this.supGetter, this.prop, this.provideAcientKeyAlias ); this.eventName("eventName value"); this.event2("eventCustomNamePromise value"); } }

is equal to

import { defineComponent} from "vue";
import AnotherComponent from "./AnotherComponent.vue";
export default defineComponent({
  name: "MyComponent",
  components: {
  emits: ["update:modelValue", "eventName", "eventCustomNamePromise"],
  provide: {
    provideKey: "provideValue",
  inject: {
    provideAcientKeyAlias: {
      default: "defult value",
      from: "provideAcientKey",
  data() {
    return {
      supProperty: "supProperty",
      property: "property",
  methods: {
    supMethod() {},
    method() {
      this.$emit("update:modelValue", this.modelValue + 1);
    method2() {
    eventName() {
      this.$emit("eventName", "eventName value");
    async event2() {
      const value = await new Promise<any>((resolver) => {
        resolver("eventCustomNamePromise value");
      this.$emit("eventCustomNamePromise", value);
  watch: {
    property: function (newv: string, oldv: string) {
      console.log("property changed", newv, oldv);
  computed: {
    supGetter() {
      return "supGetter";
    getter() {
      return "getter";
    ref() {
  props: {
    prop: {
      required: true,
      default: "default prop",
      type: String,
      validator: function (v: string) {
        console.log("prop validator", v);
        return true;
      } as any, // type error
    modelValue: { type: Number, required: true },
  mounted() {
      (this as any).provideAcientKeyAlias //type error
  beforeRouteEnter() {},


import { Component, ComponentBase, Base } from 'vue-facing-decorator' //Comp1 super class class Comp1Sup extends Base { method1Sup() { return 'method1Sup value' } } /* Comp1 base component. To define a base component use `@ComponentBase` instead of `@Component`. Runtime will bundle Class `Comp1` and `Comp1Sup` to a vue option component. Methods of Comp1 will override `Comp1Sup`'s. Decorators can be only used on `@Component` and `@ComponentBase` classes. Comp1Sup don't accept any decorators. */ @ComponentBase class Comp1 extends Comp1Sup { method1Comp() { return 'method1Comp value' } } class Comp2Sup extends Comp1 { method2Sup() { return 'method2Sup value' } } /* Similer to Comp1, runtime will bundle class `Comp2` and `Comp2Sup` into a vue option component. Bundled `Comp2` will extends bundled `Comp1` by vue `extends` option `{extends:Comp1}` */ @ComponentBase class Comp2 extends Comp2Sup { method2Comp() { return 'method2Comp value' } } class Comp3Sup extends Comp2 { method3Sup() { return 'method3Sup value' } } /* (Comp3 -> Comp3Sup) vue extends (Comp2 -> Comp2Sup) vue extends (Comp1 -> Comp1Sup) Class extends class by ES class extending strategy i.e. `Comp3 -> Comp3Sup` . Vue component extends vue component by vue component exteding strategy i.e. `(Comp3 -> Comp3Sup) vue extends (Comp2 -> Comp2Sup)` `Comp3` is a "Final Component" decorated by '@Component'. */ @Component export default class Comp3 extends Comp3Sup { method3Comp() { return 'method3Comp value' } }

is euqal to

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
    extends: {
        extends: {
            methods: {
                method1Comp() {
                    return 'method1Comp value'
        methods: {
          method2Comp() {
              return 'method2Comp value'
    methods: {
        method3Comp() {
            return 'method3Comp value'

Tsx render

//in Comp.render.tsx import type Comp from './Comp' export default function render(this: Comp) { return <div onClick={this.onClick}>Tsx render {this.number}</div> } //in Comp.ts import { Component, Base, } from 'vue-facing-decorator' import render from './Comp.render' @Component({ render }) export default class Comp extends Base { number = 1 onClick() { this.number++ } } //in parent component import { Component, Base, } from 'vue-facing-decorator'; import Comp from "./Comp" @Component({ components:{ Comp } }) export default class ParentComponent extends Base { }

is euqal to

//in Comp.ts
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import render from './Comp.render'
export default defineComponent({
        return {

In class lifecycle names

These class names could be defined in class directly.


For names not in this list, use

Component({ options:{ foo(){ } } })


    return opt


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