Vue-useurl: Reactive Url Builder Vue Hook for Vue 2 & Vue 3

vue-useurl ( Reactive Url Builder Vue Hook for Vue 2 & Vue 3 )

A library for building URL using (Query Parameters, Path Variables, Hash), while being reactive and ready to use as Vue Composition API Hook


To install with npm:

npm install vue-useurl --save


import { useUrl } from 'vue-useurl'

const params = {
  search: 'ahmed',
  limit: 50,
  page: 12,
  sort: 'CreatedOn',
  types: ['Cancelled', 'OnGoing']

const { url, queryParams, pathVariables, hash, path, disableCSV } = useUrl({ 
  path: '/api/v1/users/:id/search',
  pathVariables: {
    id: 451
  queryParams: {
  hash: 'someHash',
  disableCSV: false


The userUrl function accepts two arguments. The first is ‘options’ of type IUrlOptions e.g:

	path: '/path/path1', // URL Path
  pathVariables: { 
    id: 451
  }, // Path variables e.g: /:id/
  queryParams: {
	  sortBy: 'property',
	  page: 1
  }, // Query parameters
  hash: 'someHash', // Hash
  disableCSV: false 
	// Enabled: param=1&param=2&param=3
	// Disabled: param=1,2,3

The second is ‘baseUrl’ that will be appended to Url path

buildUrl('', {
  path: 'about',
  hash: 'hash',
  queryParams: {
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'baz'

// returns

Variables returned by useUrl() are all reactive objects, changing any of: path queryParams pathVariables hash disableCSV will rebuild url

const { url, queryParams, pathVariables, hash, path, disableCSV } = useUrl(/*..*/)

Usage with VueUse ‘useFetch()’

This library is compatible with VueUse useFetch(), and url returned from useUrl() can easily be used to trigger auto-reftech if option { refetch: true } is passed to useFetch() which make for intuitive and easy way to work with url parametes and variables without the need to modify url string directly

import { useFetch } from "@vueuse/core"
import { useUrl } from 'vue-useurl'

  const { url, queryParams, pathVariables, hash, path, disableCSV } = useUrl({ 
    path: '/api/v1/users/:id/search',
    pathVariables: {
      id: 451
    queryParams: {
      search: 'ahmed',
      limit: 50,
      page: 12,
      sort: 'CreatedOn',
      types: ['Cancelled', 'OnGoing']
    hash: 'hashtag',
    disableCSV: false

  const { isFetching, error, data } = useFetch(
    { initialData: { results: [] }, refetch: true})

How to use debouncing, throttling and other reactive backpressures with useUrl():

import { useFetch, useDebounce } from "@vueuse/core"
import { useUrl } from 'vue-useurl'
import { ref } from 'vue-demi'

export useApi() {
  const search = ref('query') //
  const filters = ref([ 'filter1', 'filter2', 'filter3' ]) // declare reactive varibales 

  const { url, queryParams, pathVariables, hash, path, disableCSV } = useUrl({ 
    path: '/api/v1/users/:id/search',
    pathVariables: {
      id: 451
    queryParams: {
      search: useDebounce(search, 500), // 
      limit: 50,
      page: 12,
      sort: 'CreatedOn',
      types: useDebounce(filters, 3500) // then pass their reactive backpressure objects instead
    hash: 'hashtag',
    disableCSV: false

  const { isFetching, error, data } = useFetch(
    { initialData: { results: [] }, refetch: true})

  return {
    search, //
    filters,// changing this now will trigger the url re-build


This is licensed under an MIT License. (LICENSE)


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