VueTube extractor - A library designed to extract data from streaming services

Logo by @afnzmn

VueTube extractor is a library designed to extract data from streaming services. Designed for use in VueTube. This is the library for VueTube. The main repository is here.

VueTube Extractor is currently under active development, and is not a part of the main VueTube app. It is planned to completely replace the current API wrapper employed by VueTube upon completion.

Getting Started


Earlier versions of NodeJS may function, however, they are not officially tested. To verify your NodeJS version, you may use the following command:

node --version


  • via Yarn (recommended)
  • via NPM
npm i

Testing & Building

VueTube Extractor uses Jest to test its code. To run tests, you may use the following command:

yarn test

You should also lint your code before building. To lint, you may use the following command:

yarn lint

Once all tests have passed, you may use the following command to build the library from TypeScript to JavaScript:

yarn build


Before you make a pull request, please ensure that all tests pass, and that your code is linted.

Please state clearly what you are trying to do in the pull request title, and describe more in the body. It is also recommended that you add a test for your pull request if you are adding new features.

Thank you for your contribution!


Made with


The VueTube project and its contents are not affiliated with, funded, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way accociated with YouTube, Google LLC or any of its affiliates and subsidaries. The official YouTube website can be found at

Any trademark, service mark, trade name, or other intellectual property rights used in the VueTube project are owned by the respective owners.


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