WiQuizz - A game generator powered by Nuxt content and SPARQL queries from Wikidata


WiQuizz is a game generator powered by Nuxt content and SPARQL queries from Wikidata, originally forked from the Nuxt template Zooper. With WiQuizz, users can create quizzes that offer endless variety, leveraging the vast knowledge available on Wikidata.

Creating a new game is simple, requiring just one Markdown file. Users can choose from existing responsive quiz templates, including drag-and-drop, swap, and multiple-choice questions. They can also draw inspiration from the existing templates and SPARQL queries or add their own game templates using Vue.js logic.

WiQuizz provides an interactive platform for users to explore and play with examples, offering a dynamic and engaging experience for learning and entertainment.

Tech Stack / nuxt modules

  • Structure : Nuxt content
  • UI : Nuxt UI, Quasar, Tailwind
  • Animation / interaction : Vue draggable next, Vue3 Lottie, Morev vue transitions