Zeurus, A cross-platform blazingly fast code/text editor with Syntax Highlighting


Zeurus, a cross-platform blazingly fast code/text editor with Syntax Highlighting


Installing Zeurus is very straight forward. Currently, Mac Support is pending due to the lack of testers.

Head over to the releases and grab the .msi if you are on windows, tar.zst & .deb for Linux


If you’d like to compile Zeurus from source, please read the following:


  • node v17 or higher (v18.5 is tested on my end and seems to be the most compatible)
  • All prerequisites in Here
  • yarn because npm bad.

Once met requirements, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/DashCruft/Hackathon.git && cd Hackathon
yarn install

To run Zeurus afterwards, do yarn tauri:serve


View Github