Vue 3 Slider

A modern, customizable slider built entirely in Vue.js 3 and TypeScript.



# with npm
npm install vue3-slider
# with yarn
yarn add vue3-slider

Getting Started ?

Import component

import slider from "vue3-slider"

export default {
  components: {
    "vue3-slider": slider

How to use

<vue3-slider v-model="myNumber" color="#FB278D" track-color="#FEFEFE" />


Name Type Required Default Rules
v-model Number ✔️
width String 100% must be valid css length
height Number 6
color String #FB2727 must be a valid hex, rgb, rgba or html color value
trackColor String #F1F6F8 ^^^
max Number 100 cannot be less than min
min Number 0 cannot be greater than max
step Number 1
tooltip Boolean false
tooltipText String "%v" must contain %v (%v is replaced with slider's value)
tooltipColor String #FFFFFF must be a valid hex, rgb, rgba or html color value
tooltipTextColor String #000000 ^^^
formatTooltip Function null function must take one parameter (number) and return a string
orientation String horizontal restricted choice (horizontal, vertical, circular)
repeat Boolean false

NOTE: When using the circular slider width is the diameter of the circle and height is the stroke width