JL Datatable

A datatable server side mode for vuejs ⚙️


It was made for vuejs 3 and to work with laravel 8, however it can work with other backend programming languages, as long as the json format returned by the server is respected.

? There is an online demo:

DEMO ? Online

Front End ? Repository Github

Backend with Laravel ? Repository Github

Basic usage

            title: 'ID',
            key: 'id'
            title: 'Name',
            key: 'name' 
            title: 'Last Name',
            key: 'last_name'


Install the JlDatatable package:

npm install jl-datatable
# or
yarn add jl-datatable

Register it as you usually would:

import {createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import JlDatatable from 'jl-datatable'

const app = createApp(App)

app.component('jl-datatable', JlDatatable)


Props – General

Property Name Type Required Default Value Description
url String Yes NULL URL to get entries.
requestOptions Object No {method: 'GET'} Allows to add more parameters in the request to be made to the server.
columns Array Object Yes [] An array of objects that specifies how to render each column.
pageLength Integer No 10 Length of records shown in the table.
lengthMenu Array Integer No [10, 20, 50, 100] List of lengths for the menu to display in the table.
isLengthMenu Boolean No True If true, the menu will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed and the props lengthMenu and pageLength, will change to default.
IsSearch Boolean No True If true, the search engine will display.
sortDt Object No { sortBy: 'firstColumn', 'sort': 'ASC'} Sort the records, for sort you have two options of ascending (ASC) and descending (DESC) sorting.
isSort Boolean No True If true, ordering is permitted in general.
language Object No English Change displayed texts to another language.

Prop: columns

Property Name Type Required Default Value Description
title String Yes NULL Is what is shown in the table header.
key String Yes NULL Allows to identify the data to be obtained by means of key and value.
isSort Boolean No True If true, sorting is activated for the column.
isSearch Boolean No True If true, the search for the column is activated.
width String No NULL Allows you to set a width size for the column.
isAction Boolean No False If true, the option to place a component to the column is enabled.
component Object No NULL Allows you to add a component, e.g. edit and delete buttons. This can only be used if isAction is true.

Prop: language

Property Name Type Required Default Value Description
lengthMenu String No Show_MENU_entries Text to select the number of records to display in the table.
zeroRecords String No No data available in table. Text displayed when no search results are found.
info String No Showing_FROM_to_TO_of_TOTAL_entries Text displayed at lower left.
search String No Search Text displayed on the upper right.


Name Return Description
countPageChanged Integer Returns the number of records to display in the table.
search String Returns the text entered in the search, has a delay of 300 ms.
gettingEntries Object Returns the request to be made to the server.
entriesFetched Object Returns the request made to the server and the data.
columnClicked Object Returns this data isSort, sort and column when clicking on a column.
prevPaginated String Returns the url when the previous button is clicked.
nextPaginated String Returns the url when clicking on the next button.
paginated String Returns the url when clicking on any button in the page.
error Object Returns the error caused by the server after the request has been made.




View Github