
Labyrinth is a family board game. This project aims to recreate the game as a online multiplayer game, develop understanding of the game's complexity and implement practical search algorithms. There is one major difference to the original game: all players have the same objective.

Quick start

Build the client and run the flask web server.

Build web-client

cd web-client
npm install
npm run test:unit
npm run build

cd ../backend

Now is a good time to create and activate a virtual environment, e.g. on Linux:

python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

install required packages:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
python -m pytest ./tests

Running server

Flask comes with a built-in server, which is perfectly fine for testing and development of algorithms

cd ../backend
export FLASK_APP=server
flask run --port=5000

Open localhost:5000 in your browser. Edge and IE are not supported.

If you want the server to be visible in your local network:

flask run --host= --port=5000


Bots are implemented in C++. They are not required to run the game. They are either called by the backend as shared libraries or compiled to WebAssembly to be used by the web-client. See readme in algolibs for build steps.