
This vue component is a simple chat that can be easily imported and used in your project.


  • Custom style
  • Handle on type event and on message submit
  • Chat with multiple participants


yarn add vue-quick-chat

or with npm

npm install vue-quick-chat --save


import { Chat } from 'vue-quick-chat'
export default {
  components: {
import { Chat } from 'vue-quick-chat'
export default {
  components: {
    return {
      participants: [
          name: 'Arnaldo',
          id: 1
          name: 'José',
          id: 2
      myself: {
        name: 'Matheus S.',
        id: 3
      messages: [
          content: 'received messages', 
          myself: false,
          participantId: 1,
          timestamp: { year: 2019, month: 3, day: 5, hour: 20, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123 }
          content: 'sent messages', 
          myself: true,
          participantId: 3,
          timestamp: { year: 2019, month: 4, day: 5, hour: 19, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond:123 }
          content: 'other received messages', 
          myself: false,
          participantId: 2,
          timestamp: { year: 2019, month: 5, day: 5, hour: 10, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123 }
      chatTitle: 'My chat title',
      placeholder: 'send your message',
          bg: '#d30303',
          text: '#fff'
          myself: {
            bg: '#fff',
            text: '#bdb8b8'
          others: {
            bg: '#fb4141',
            text: '#fff'
        submitIcon: '#b91010'
      borderStyle: {
        topLeft: "10px",
        topRight: "10px",
        bottomLeft: "10px",
        bottomRight: "10px",
      hideCloseButton: false,
      submitIconSize: "20px",
      closeButtonIconSize: "20px"
  methods: {
    onType: function (event){
      //here you can set any behavior
    onMessageSubmit: function(message){
      //here you can set any behavior

Component Props

name type required default description
participants Array true An array of participants. Each participant should be an Object with name and id
myself Object true Object of my participant. "myself" should be an Object with name and id
messages Array true An array of messages. Each message should be an Object with content, myself, participantId and timestamp
onType Function false () => false Event called when the user is typing
onMessageSubmit Function false () => false Event called when the user sends a new message
chatTitle String false Empty String The title on chat header
placeholder String false 'type your message here' The placeholder of message text input
colors Object true Object with the color's description of style properties
borderStyle Object false { topLeft: "10px", topRight: "10px", bottomLeft: "10px", bottomRight: "10px"} Object with the description of border style properties
hideCloseButton Boolean false false If true, the Close button will be hidden
submitIconSize String false "15px" The submit icon size in pixels.
closeButtonIconSize String false "15px" The close button icon size in pixels.


name type description
id int The user id should be an unique value
name String The user name that will be displayed


  name:  'Username',
  id: 1


name type description
content String The message text content
myself boolean Wether the message was sent by myself participant or by other participant
participantId int The participant's id who sent the message
timestamp Object Object describing the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond that the message was sent


  content: 'received messages', 
  myself: false,
  participantId: 1,
  timestamp: { year: 2019, month: 3, day: 5, hour: 20, minute: 10, second: 3, millisecond: 123 }


name type description
header Object Object containing the header background and text color
message Object Object containing the message background and text color. The Object should contains the style for 'myself' and 'others'
submitIcon String The color applied to the send message button icon


    bg: '#d30303',
    text: '#fff'
    myself: {
      bg: '#fff',
      text: '#bdb8b8'
    others: {
      bg: '#fb4141',
      text: '#fff'
  submitIcon: '#b91010'

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint
