
A dynamic table with sorting, filtering, editing, pagination, multiple select, etc.

vue-table-dynamic is a vue component of dynamic table. It's designed to respond to data changes in real time, and oriented to the runtime.


  • Multiple Select
  • Search
  • Sort
  • Filter
  • Pagination
  • Edit
  • Border
  • Stripe
  • Highlight
  • Column Width
  • Configure Header
  • Fixed Header


$   npm install vue-table-dynamic --save



import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'


Global registration


Local registration

export default {
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Basic Table

Basic table usage


  <div class="base-demo" style="width: 400px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'

export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Cell-1', 'Cell-2', 'Cell-3'],
          ['Cell-4', 'Cell-5', 'Cell-6'],
          ['Cell-7', 'Cell-8', 'Cell-9']
  components: { VueTableDynamic }



Bordered table usage

  • border:true with border
  • border:false without border


  <div style="width: 600px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params" ref="table"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        border: true
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Striped rows

  • stripe:true striped
  • stripe:false unstriped


  <div style="width: 600px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params" ref="table"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418'],
          [4, 'hf7y8c', '4rghjk', 'cgnhik']
        header: 'row',
        border: true,
        stripe: true
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Highlighted rows/columns/cells

  • highlight:{row?:Array<number>; column?:Array<number>; cell?:Array<[number,number]>;} configure highlighted rows, columns, cells. such as: {row: [1], column: [1], cell: [[-1, -1]]} if negative, the position from the end of the array.
  • highlightedColor:string configure highlighted colors


  <div style="width: 600px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params" ref="table"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418'],
          [4, 'hf7y8c', '4rghjk', 'cgnhik']
        header: 'row',
        border: true,
        stripe: true,
        highlight: { column: [-2] },
        highlightedColor: 'rgb(243, 235, 200)'
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Multiple Select

Select multiple rows

  • showCheck:boolean show checkbox of rows
  • getCheckedRowDatas:function get data for all currently selected rows
  • setAllRowChecked:function(selected:boolean) toggle all selection
  • select:event currently selected/unselected rows


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        showCheck: true
  methods: {
    onSelect (isChecked, index, data) {
      console.log('onSelect: ', isChecked, index, data)
      console.log('Checked Data:', this.$refs.table.getCheckedRowDatas(true))
    onSelectionChange (checkedDatas, checkedIndexs, checkedNum) {
      console.log('onSelectionChange: ', checkedDatas, checkedIndexs, checkedNum)
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Filter rows by keyword

  • enableSearch:boolean enable/disable searching
  • search:function(value:string) manual row filtering


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        enableSearch: true
  methods: {
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Sort rows based on specified column data

  • sort:Array<number> array members are sortable column indexes. such as: [0, 1]


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        sort: [0, 1]
  methods: {
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Filter rows based on specified column data and rule

  • filter:Array<{column:number; content:Array<{text:string; value:string|number;}>; method:function;}> specify filterable columns and rules. such as: [{column: 0, content: [{text: '> 2', value: 2}], method: (value, cell) => { return > value }}]
  • filter[].column: column index
  • filter[].content: filter items
  • filter[].method: filter rule.


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Time'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '9a3853', '2019-01-01 10:10'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ecf03c', '2019-02-02 11:11'],
          [3, '7c95f7', 'fdf451', '2019-02-02 12:12'],
          [4, 'ba045d', '34fdgh', '2019-02-02 13:13'],
          [5, 'a8c325', '4678de', '2019-03-03 14:14']
        header: 'row',
        filter: [{
          column: 0, 
          content: [{text: '> 2', value: 2}, {text: '> 4', value: 4}], 
          method: (value, tableCell) => { return > value }
        }, {
          column: 3, 
          content: [{text: '2019-01-01', value: '2019-01-01'}, {text: '2019-02-02', value: '2019-02-02'}], 
          method: (value, tableCell) => { return String( }
  methods: {
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Table with pagination

  • pagination:boolean enable/disable pagination
  • pageSize?:number row count of each page. default: 10
  • pageSizes?:Array<number> options of row count per page. default: [10, 20, 50, 100]


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'

const random = () => {
  return parseInt( + Math.random() * 10000000).toString(16).slice(-6)

export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', `Data1`, `Data2`, `Data3`]
        header: 'row',
        border: true,
        stripe: true,
        pagination: true,
        pageSize: 5,
        pageSizes: [5, 10, 20, 50]
  mounted () {
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {[i+1, `${random()}`, `${random()}`, `${random()}`])
  components: { VueTableDynamic }


Editable table
Support specifying rows/columns/cells for editing

  • edit:{row?:Array<number>; column?:Array<number>; cell?:Array<[number,number]>;} configure editable rows, columns, cells. such as: {row: [1], column: [1], cell: [[-1, -1]]}. if negative, the position from the end of the array.
  • getData:function() table data changed after editing, get the latest data by this method.
  • cell-change:event cell data changed event
  • edit:{row: 'all'} all cells can be edited
  • if header is 'row', the first row is not editable


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        edit: {
          row: [1],
          column: [1],
          cell: [[-1, -1]]
  methods: {
    onCellChange (rowIndex, columnIndex, data) {
      console.log('onCellChange: ', rowIndex, columnIndex, data)
      console.log('table data: ', this.$refs.table.getData())
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Column width

Configure column width

  • columnWidth:Array<{column:number; width:number|string;}> such as: [{column: 0, width: 60}, {column: 3, width: '15%'}]
  • columnWidth[].column index of column
  • columnWidth[].width width of column. number for pixel value, string for percentage


  <div style="width: 600px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params" ref="table"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'row',
        border: true,
        columnWidth: [{column: 0, width: 60}, {column: 3, width: '15%'}],
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Header Configure

  • header:row the first row is header
  • header:column the first column is header
  • header:'' no header


  <div style="width: 600px">
    <vue-table-dynamic :params="params" ref="table"></vue-table-dynamic>

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'
export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', 'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'],
          [1, 'b3ba90', '7c95f7', '9a3853'],
          [2, 'ec0b78', 'ba045d', 'ecf03c'],
          [3, '63788d', 'a8c325', 'aab418']
        header: 'column',
        border: true,
        columnWidth: [{column: 0, width: 60}]
  components: { VueTableDynamic }

Fixed Header

Fix header by configure the height of table

  • height:number table height
  • when the value of header is not 'row', the first row is a normal row, will not fixed


  <div style="width: 600px">

import VueTableDynamic from 'vue-table-dynamic'

const random = () => {
  return parseInt( + Math.random() * 10000000).toString(16).slice(-6)

export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  data() {
    return {
      params: {
        data: [
          ['Index', `Data1`, `Data2`, `Data3`]
        header: 'row',
        border: true,
        stripe: true,
        height: 180
  mounted () {
    for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {[i+1, `${random()}`, `${random()}`, `${random()}`])
  components: { VueTableDynamic }



  • params is the object that need to be passed to the component props
  • the following items are all child properties of the params object
  • data is required attribute, others are optional
name description type optional value default value
data source data Array<[number, ..., number]> - []
header configure header string row: the first row is header; column: the first column is header; '': no header ''
border table with border boolean true/false false
stripe striped table boolean true/false false
highlight configure highlighted rows, columns, cells. such as: {row: [1], column: [1], cell: [[-1, -1]]}. if negative, the position from the end of the array. {row?:Array<>; column?:Array<>; cell?:Array<>;} - {}
highlightedColor highlighted colors string - #EBEBEF
showCheck show checkbox of rows. Only when the header is 'row', the first cell of the first row is the checkbox of all rows. Otherwise, the first cell is the checkbox of the first row boolean true/false false
enableSearch enable/disable searching, filter rows by keyword boolean true/false false
minWidth min width of table number - 300
maxWidth max width of table number - 1000
height table height. fix header by configure the height of table number - -
rowHeight row height number >= 24 30
columnWidth Configure column width Array<{column:number; width:number/string;}> - -
sort sort rows based on specified column data Array<number> - -
filter filter rows based on specified column data and rule. column: index; content: filter items; method filter rule. Array<{column, content, method}> - -
edit specifying rows/columns/cells for editing. table data changed after editing, get the latest data by getData method {row?:Array<>; column?:Array<>; cell?:Array<>;} - -
pagination table with pagination boolean true/false false
pageSize row count of each page number - 10
pageSizes options of row count per page Array<number> - [10, 20, 50, 100]


method name description parameters return
getData table data changed after editing, get the latest data by this method - Array<[number, ..., number]>
getCheckedRowDatas get data for all currently selected rows includeWhenHeaderInfirstRow: boolean include header row when the first row is header,default is false Array<[number, ..., number]>
getRowData get row data by index rowIndex:number index;isCurrent: boolean is the index sorted,default is false Array<number>
search manual row filtering searchValue:string keyword -
clearSearch clear searching, show all rows - -


event name description parameters
select event when selecting a row checked: boolean; index: number; data: Array<string\number>
select-all event when clicking the checkbox in table header isCheckedAll: boolean
row-click event when clicking a row index:number; data:Array<string\number>
cell-click event when clicking a cell rowIndex:number; columnIndex:number; data:string\number
cell-change event when edting a cell rowIndex:number; columnIndex:number; data:string\number
sort-change event when sorting index: number; value: string
