Dashy helps you organize your self-hosted services by making them accessible from a single place
Features ?
- ? Instant search by name, domain or tags + customizable hotkeys & keyboard shortcuts
- ? Multiple built-in color themes, with UI color editor and support for custom CSS
- ? Many icon options - Font-Awesome, homelab icons, auto-fetching favicon, images, emojis, etc.
- ? Status monitoring for each of your apps / links for basic availability and uptime checking
- ? Optional authentication with multi-user access, configurable privileges and SSO support
- ? Multi-language support, with 10+ human-translated languages, and more on the way
- ☁ Optional, encrypted, free off-site cloud backup and restore feature available
- ? A workspace view, for easily switching between multiple apps at simultaneously
- ?️ A minimal view, for use as a fast-loading browser startpage
- ?️ Choose app launch method, either new tab, same tab, a pop-up modal or in the workspace view
- ? Customizable layout, sizes, text, component visibility, sort order, behavior etc.
- ?️ Option for full-screen background image, custom nav-bar links, html footer, title, etc.
- ? Easy to setup with Docker, or on bare metal, or with 1-Click cloud deployment
- ⚙️ Easy single-file YAML-based configuration, and option to configure app through the UI
- ✨ Under active development with improvements and new features added regularly
- ? Small bundle size, fully responsive UI and PWA for basic offline access
- ? 100% free and open source
- ? Strong focus on privacy
- ? And loads more...
Demo ⚡
Live Instances: Demo 1 (Live Demo) ┆ Demo 2 (Dashy Links) ┆ Demo 3 (Dev Preview)
Screenshots: Checkout the Showcase, to see example dashboards from the community
Spin up your own demo: or
docker run -p 8080:80 lissy93/dashy