AdonisJS Modules

Discover AdonisJS modules to supercharge your project !

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Modules Database

Metadata of AdonisJS modules are maintained in yml files inside ./modules directory and automatically synced from upstream to fetch latest information.


  • If you feel a module is missing, please create a new issue
  • If some data is outdated please directly open a pull request


Field Name Auto sync Description
name No Canonical name or integration name
description Yes Short description
repo No Github repository. Format is org/name or org/name#main/path
npm Yes NPM package name
icon No Icon of module from ./website/static/icons directory
github No Github URL
website No Website URL
learn_more No Link to learn more (website or relevant integration website)
category No Module category from ./lib/categories.json
type No community (for adonisjs-community), official (for or 3rd-party
maintainers Yes List of maintainers each item has name, github and avatar


Add or update repository

yarn sync <name> <repo>

Example: yarn sync eslint adonisjs-community/eslint-plugin-adonis

To sync with a branch different than master, suffix the repo with #repo-branch, example: yarn sync eslint adonisjs-community/eslint-plugin-adonis#dev

Auto update all current modules

yarn sync

Generate npm/modules.json

yarn build

Website development

  • Clone repository
  • Install website depenedencies using npx yarn install

Start development:

npx yarn dev

Then visit http://localhost:3000

In the development, the npm downloads and GitHub stars will be mocked unless setting USE_NUXT_API variable.
