
Vue Composition API for automatic fetch data when condition has been changed

requires Node.js 12.0.0 or higher.



✔ Auto fetch data when conditions changed.

✔ Auto filter falsy value in conditions.

✔ Auto converts the corresponding type. (string, number, array, date)

✔ Store the conditions within the URL hash every time a condition is changed

✔ Sync the state with the query string and initialize off of that and that back/forward/execute work.

✔ Keep requests first in — first out.

✔ Works for Vue 2 & 3 by the power of vue-demi

? Download Vue3 example here (Use Vite)

cd examples/vue3
yarn serve

? Download Vue2 @vue/composition-api example here

cd examples/vue2
yarn serve

? Online demo with vue-infinite-scroll

Edit vue-condition-watcher demo

Quick Start

Simple example for vue-next and vue-router-next

  template: `
    <div class="filter">
      <input v-model="">
      <button @click="execute">Refetch</button>
    <div class="container" v-if="!loading">
      {{ data }}
    <div class="loading" v-else>Loading...</div>
  setup() {
    const config = {
      fetcher: params => axios.get('/user/', {params}),
      conditions: {
        name: ''
    return useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router'})
.provide('router', router)


In your project

yarn add vue-condition-watcher

Or with npm

npm install vue-condition-watcher


Basic Usage

const { conditions, data, error, loading, execute, resetConditions, onConditionsChange } = useConditionWatcher(config, queryOptions)

Execute Fetch

conditions is reactive proxy, easy execute fetch when conditions value changed

const { conditions } = useConditionWatcher({
  conditions: {
    page: 0
  defaultParams: {
    opt_expand: 'date'
}) = 1 // fetch data with payload { page: 1, opt_expand: 'date' } = 2 // fetch data with payload { page: 2, opt_expand: 'date' }

Just call execute function to send a request if you need.

const { conditions, execute: refetch } = useConditionWatcher({
  conditions: {
    page: 0
   defaultParams: {
    opt_expand: 'date'

refetch() // fetch data with payload { page: 0, opt_expand: 'date' }

Update conditions one time.

const { conditions, resetConditions } = useConditionWatcher({
  immediate: false,
  conditions: {
    page: 0,
    name: '',
    date: []

// initial conditions then fire onConditionsChange event
Object.assign(conditions, {
  name: 'runkids',
  date: ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02']

// Reset conditions
function reset () {
  Object.assign(conditions, {
    page: 0,
    name: '',
    date: []

  // Or you can just use `resetConditions` function to initial value.

Conditions Change Event

onConditionsChange can help you handle conditions changed.
Will return new value and old value.

const { conditions, onConditionsChange } = useConditionWatcher({
  conditions: {
    page: 0
}) = 1

onConditionsChange((conditions, preConditions)=> {
  console.log(conditions) // { page: 1}
  console.log(preConditions) // { page: 0}

Fetch Event

The onFetchResponse, onFetchError and onFetchFinally will fire on fetch request.

const { onFetchResponse, onFetchError, onFetchFinally } = useConditionWatcher(config)

onFetchResponse((response) => {

onFetchError((error) => {

onFetchFinally(() => {

Prevent Request

Setting the immediate to false will prevent the request until the execute
function called or conditions changed.

const { execute } = useConditionWatcher({
  immediate: false,


Intercepting Request

The beforeFetch let you modify conditions before fetch, or you can call cancel function to stop fetch.

  conditions: {
    date: ['2022/01/01', '2022/01/02']
  initialData: [],
  async beforeFetch(conditions, cancel) {
    // await something
    await doSomething ()

    // conditions is an object clone copy from config.conditions
    const {date, ...baseConditions} = conditions
    const [after, before] = date
    baseConditions.created_at_after = after
    baseConditions.created_at_before = before

    return baseConditions

The afterFetch can intercept the response before data updated

const { data } = useConditionWatcher({
  async afterFetch(response) {
    // = {id: 1, name: 'runkids'}
    if( === null) {
      return []
    const finalResponse = await otherAPIById(

    return finalResponse // [{message: 'Hello', sender: 'runkids'}]

console.log(data) //[{message: 'Hello', sender: 'runkids'}]

The onFetchError can intercept the response before data and error updated

const { data, error } = useConditionWatcher({
  async onFetchError({data, error}) {
    if(error.code === 401) {
      await doSomething()

    return {
      data: [],
      error: 'Error Message'

console.log(data) //[]
console.log(error) //'Error Message'

More Configs

  • config : An object of config for vue-condition-watcher

    • fetcher (⚠️Required) : Can be any asynchronous function to fetch data

    • conditions (⚠️Required) : An object of conditions, also be initial value

    • defaultParams: An object of fetcher's default

    • initialData: data default value is null, and you can setting data default value by use this config

    • immediate: Setting the immediate to false will prevent the request until the execute function called. immediate default is true.

      const config = {
        fetcher: params => axios.get('url', { params }),
        defaultParams: {
          type: 'member'
        immediate: true,
        initialData: []
        conditions: {
          offset: 0,
          limit: 10,
          username: '',
  • queryOptions: An object of options to sync query string with conditions

    • ⚠️ queryOptions work base on vue-router, you need install vue-router first.

    • sync: key of provide name ( String | Symbol )

      • main.js: register router
        import {createApp} from 'vue'
        import App from './App.vue'
        import { router } from './router'
        const app = createApp(App)
          .provide('router', router) // it's should be required
      • then
      useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router'})
    • ignore: you can ignore key name from conditions, will not push with query.

      useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router', ignore: ['offset', 'limit']})
    • navigation: use vue router navigation method push or replace, default value is push.

        useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router', navigation: 'replace'})
How to use in vue@2 with @vue/composition-api
  • ( Good ) Add provide in main.js

    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      provide: {
      render: h => h(App)
  • Add provide in current file

    import { useConditionWatcher } from "vue-condition-watcher";
    import { provide } from "@vue/composition-api";
    import router from "@/router";
    import api from "../api";
    export default {
      setup() {
        provide("router", router);
        const config = {
          fetcher: api.users,
          conditions: {
            offset: 0,
            limit: 9
        return useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router', ignore: ['offset', 'limit']});
How to use in Nuxt with @nuxtjs/composition-api
  • Add provide in current file

    import { useConditionWatcher } from "vue-condition-watcher";
    import { defineComponent, useRoute, provide, useContext } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
    import api from "~/api";
    export default defineComponent({
      setup() {
        const route = useRoute();
        const { app } = useContext();
        provide('router', app.router);
        const config = {
          fetcher: api.users,
          conditions: {
            offset: 0,
            limit: 9
        return useConditionWatcher(config, {sync: 'router', ignore: ['offset', 'limit']});

Return Values

  • conditions : An object and returns a reactive proxy of conditions
  • data: Data resolved by config.fetcher
  • error: Error thrown by config.fetcher
  • loading: Request is fetching
  • execute: The function to fetch data
  • resetConditions: Reset conditions to initial value
  • onConditionsChange: Will fire on conditions changed
  • onFetchSuccess: Will fire on fetch request success
  • onFetchError: Will fire on fetch request error
  • onFetchFinally: Will fire on fetch finished


  • onConditionsChange

    Fire new conditions value and old conditions value.

    onConditionsChange((cond, preCond)=> {
  • beforeFetch

    You can modify conditions before fetch, or you can call second of arguments to stop fetch this time.

    const { conditions } = useConditionWatcher({
    async function beforeFetch(cond, cancel){
      if(!cond.token) {
        // stop fetch
        // will fire onConditionsChange again
        conditions.token = await fetchToken()
      return cond
  • afterFetch & onFetchSuccess

    afterFetch fire before onFetchSuccess

    afterFetch can modify data before update.

    Type Modify data before update
    afterFetch config ⭕️
    onFetchSuccess event
        {{ data?.detail }} <!-- 'xxx' -->
    const { data, onFetchSuccess } = useConditionWatcher({
     async afterFetch(response){
       //response = { id: 1 }
       const detail = await fetchDataById(
       return detail // { id: 1, detail: 'xxx' }
    onFetchSuccess((response)=> {
     console.log(response) // { id: 1, detail: 'xxx' }
  • onFetchError(config) & onFetchError(event)

    config.onFetchError fire before event.onFetchError

    config.onFetchError can modify data and error before update.

    Type Modify data before update Modify error before update
    onFetchError config ⭕️ ⭕️
    onFetchError event
    const { onFetchError } = useConditionWatcher({
       return {
         data: [],
         error: 'Error message.'
    onFetchError((error)=> {
     console.log(error) // origin error data
  • onFetchFinally

    Will fire on fetch finished.

    onFetchFinally(async ()=> {
      //do something