
Vue-editor component modified and encapsulated based on wangeditor2.5.11 source code.

Used in vue projects

npm instal yimo-vue-editor --save

  <yimo-vue-editor v-model="text></yimo-vue-editor>

import YimoVueEditor from 'yimo-vue-editor'
export default {
  components: {

Global introduction and configuration

import VEditor from 'yimo-vue-editor'

Vue.use(VEditor, {
  name: 'v-editor-app',//Custom name
  config: {},//wagnEditor config
  uploadHandler: (type, resTxt) => {//Upload processing hook
    if (type === 'success') {
      var res = JSON.parse(resTxt)//Do not process the default look at the return value bit image path
      if (res.status !== 1) {
        return null
      return res.data
    } else if (type === 'error') {
      //todo toast
    } else if (type === 'timeout') {
      //todo toast
    return 'upload failed__'


  • value
    v-model Binding editor value
  • config
    wangEditor2.0 config ,wangEditor docs
  • uploadHandler
    The processing of the return value after the image is uploaded, successfully returns the url to be inserted, fails to return an error prompt or prompts in the hook, etc.
    var uploadHandler = (type, resTxt) => {
      if (type === 'success') {
        var res = JSON.parse(resTxt)
        if (res.status !== 1) {
          return null
        return res.data.fileUrl
      } else if (type === 'error') {
        //todo toast
      } else if (type === 'timeout') {
        //todo toast
      return 'upload failed__'


  • delete Map menu code
  • hide Emoticon menu
  • fix Upload multiple image insertion order issues (replace after tag placement)
  • add Link open state setting
  • add Hook after uploading

Points to pay attention to

  • ie9 upload image, upload using form+iframe, can't cross domain, and the return type needs to be text/html
  • The log is printed as a global parameter, subject to the last setting
