Vueye DataTable
Vueye data table is a responsive data table component based on Vue.js 2, it organizes your data per pages in order to navigate easily.
This component allows you to :
- Sort columns
- Search data
- Print your data into a spreadsheet
- Emit checked rows and the clicked row to the parent component
- Export to excel
- Change theme (colors)
- Many languages: English(en), Arabic(ar), French(fr), Spanish(es), German(ger) and Chinese(ch)
- Vue.js 2
- It doesn't require any css framework
npm install vueye-datatable --save-dev
title : the data table title
cols : the attributes or columns, by default it takes the json object keys
rows_data : JS array of object or json content
per-pages-values : An array containing the possible number of rows per page
theme-name : specify a theme name, available ones are light, dark-1, dark-2, blue-1 and red
table-style : the type of table bordered or striped
show-theme : if this prop is not mentionned the theme bar will be hidden
checkable : show/hide the checkboxes column and the export checked rows button
vLang : specify the data table language