

A lightweight and controllable audio visualization vue3 plugin


This component is written using the native Web Audio API, and does not use any dependencies other than vue3 in the production environment. Of course, this means: if your target browser does not support the features of the web audio api, then my Plugins will also not apply. You can go to Browser compatibility to see the AudioContext line to check whether it is compatible with the target browser

ExampleLive Demo



npm install 1llest-waveform-vue


Global component

// main.ts
import { createApp } from "vue"
import App from "./App.vue"

import IllestWaveform from "1llest-waveform-vue"
import "1llest-waveform-vue/lib/style.css"

const app = createApp(App)


Local component

// example.vue
import { IllestWaveform } from "1llest-waveform-vue"
import "1llest-waveform-vue/lib/style.css"


    @on-play="(v: boolean) => (playing = v)"
    @on-pause="(v: boolean) => (playing = v)"
  <div>{{ currentTime }} - {{ durationTime }}</div>

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { onMounted, reactive, ref, watchEffect } from "vue"
  import type { Ref } from "vue"
  import { IllestWaveform } from "1llest-waveform-vue"
  import type { IllestWaveformProps } from "1llest-waveform-vue"
  import "1llest-waveform-vue/lib/style.css"
  const waveOptions = reactive<IllestWaveformProps>({
    url: "example.mp3"

  const waveformRef = ref<typeof IllestWaveform | null>(null)

  onMounted(() => {

  const init = ref(false)
  const fetched = ref(false)
  const playing = ref(false)
  const finished = ref(false)
  const ready = ref(false)
  const currentTime = ref("0:00")
  const durationTime = ref("0:00")

  const initHandler = (v: boolean) => {
    init.value = v
  const fetchedHandler = (v: boolean) => {
    fetched.value = v

  const readyHandler = (v: boolean) => {
    ready.value = v
  const finishHandler = (v: boolean) => {
    finished.value = v

  const clickHandler = (el: Ref<HTMLElement>) => {

  const play = () => {

  const replay = () => {

  const pause = () => {

  const getCurrentTime = () => {
    watchEffect(() => {
      const current = waveformRef.value!.getCurrentTime()
      currentTime.value = current

  const getDuration = () => {
    const duration = waveformRef.value!.getDuration()
    durationTime.value = duration


Component Props

prop description type default
url the url of the audio file String
lineWidth the width of each vertical line that makes up the waveform Number 0.5
lineCap the style at the end of each vertical line that makes up the waveform CanvasLineCap round
lineColor the color of each vertical line that makes up the waveform String #5e5e5e
samplingRate indicates your audio sampling rate. The larger the value, the more lines the waveform will present and the higher the accuracy. But this value is not recommended to be too large, because too large a value will slow down rendering efficiency, the recommended value is between 8000 - 44100 Number 22050
cursorWidth indicates your cursor width Number 2
cursorColor the color of your cursor String #fff
maskColor the color of the waveform mask layer String #fff
lazy whether to enable lazy loading mode, if you want to display multiple waveforms as a list, this property is very useful Boolean true
skeleton whether to enable the skeleton during waveform loading Boolean true
skeletonColor the color of the skeleton String #232323
interact indicates whether you want the user to interact with the waveform Boolean true


When using the following events, you need to add the on- prefix in front, such as @on-init="initHandler"

event description params
init the hook event before the waveform starts to initialize Boolean
fetched the hook event after accepting the audio file Boolean
ready the hook event triggered after the waveform completes all initialization and rendering to the page Boolean
play event fired when playback starts Boolean
pause event fired when playback is paused Boolean
finish the event triggered when the playback is completed (the playback completion refers to the completion of the entire audio) Boolean
click event triggered when waveform is clicked Ref<HTMLElement>


You can call these methods directly on the waveform component instance, such like waveform_ref.value.play()

method description return
play trigger the playback method of the waveform so that it starts playing the current audio
pause trigger the pause method of the waveform to make it pause playback
replay this method can restart playing the current audio again
getCurrentTime this method can get the current playing time. If you want to get the current playback time in real time, you can wrap it in the watchEffect hook string
getDuration this method can get the duration of the current audio, but this method must be placed after the ready hook event is triggered to get the correct duration string

Advanced usage

Solo play

If you want to render a list of waveforms, then you definitely want to play only one track at a time. My component does not provide this feature, because it is just an independent component, which is uncontrollable for other waveform components. So you can easily achieve this requirement by borrowing some features of vue.

  1. You can expose some methods and properties in your child components that encapsulate the 1llestWaveform component,

// Demo.vue
const play = () => {
  emits('play', props.id)

const emits = defineEmits(['play'])

  id: props.id,
  1. Your parent component can have the following configuration

// App.vue
  v-for="item in items"

const childs = reactive<(typeof Demo)[]>([])

const playHandler = (id: string) => {
  childs.forEach((child) => {
    if (child.id !== id && child.playing) child.pause()

You can define any unique identifier to replace the id attribute in child.id !== id, but please make sure that this attribute exists in the child component and expose it, the most important thing is that it represents the component uniqueness

The above code can be found in the example folder. If you have a better way to implement this feature, please suggest it in an issue, I will be very grateful


Contributions to the project are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please submit an issue or pull request.


MIT License © 2023-Present leyoonafr


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