Goggle Placement
What is this for?
This is a Machine learning Repository which mainly focuses on predecting the human face using npm package @tensflow/blazeface
Models and technologies used.
BlazeFace is a lightweight and well-performing face detector tailored for mobile GPU inference. It runs at a speed of 200-1000+ FPS on flagship devices. This super-realtime performance enables it to be applied to any augmented reality pipeline that requires an accurate facial region of interest as an input for task-specific models, such as 2D/3D facial keypoint or geometry estimation, facial features or expression classification, and face region segmentation
Links to references
NPM package
Vue Installation
Clone the Application on your local system.
After cloning the application on your local system use cd Goggle-Placement
command to go to the Goggle Placement Directory
Install the default dependencies by running the following command.
npm install
To start your Local server
npm run serve
Sample video
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