
vue-products-grid is a responsive Vue component to create a products grid for ecommerce apps. Fully configurable with different options and reactive with full integration in your template/project (4 events emitted)


  • fully responsive grid ready (CSS) for desktop, laptop, mobile
  • data mapping with your data structure
  • many custom options for visual impact (colors, etc.)
  • fullprice/sale price display
  • sale box option (can be disabled)
  • rating stars included with emit event (can be disabled)
  • 1 configurable HTML toggle button with emit event (i.e. favorite item)
  • 1 configurable HTML button with emit event (i.e. add to cart)
  • 1 clickable area with emit event
  • HTML injection available for some elements


npm install vue-products-grid


Import component

import ProductsGrid from 'vue-products-grid'

In template (for options and configuration see Docs below)


* Remarks


vue-products-grid has many features and options that you can control in order to fit with your template/layout/app.

We designed the component in order to make compatible with a clean project so we decided to not include any dependency. For this reason you can add to any Vue project as is, without depending on third libraries, or simply using yours.

For any issue please open an issue on github repository.

The rating element has been forked and included in the component from the vue-star-rating component [] by craigh411.


Prop Required Description Type Default
items YES Array of objects
(see table below)
Array []
mapping NO Objects for fields mapping Object
options NO Object for configuration purpose Object

items prop definition

items prop as array of objects requires a defined structure for each object. If your data don't match the following structure use mapping as described below

Name Description Type Notes
id Product ID String/Number Converted to string by component
name Product name String* injected HTML available
label Product label (category, ecc) String* injected HTML available
abstract Product abstract String* injected HTML available
image Product image URL URL/URI
price Product price Number float 2 decimals format applied
sale_price Product sale price Number float 2 decimals format applied
rating Product rating Number Integer or float
isfavorite Product in the favorite user list Boolean

* With name, label and abstract fields you can inject HTML code directly

Example of HTML injection on title field:

    id: '1',
    title: '<style color="red">My title</style>',

Mapping prop definition

When your data don't match the items prop definition you can map your data structure directly without making any conversion and pass to the component with the mapping prop.

Mapping Fields example:

    :items = "items"
    :mapping = "mapping" //your data structure mapping
    :options = "options"
    //mapping data structure
    mapping: {
      id:   'your id field',
      name: 'your product name field',
      label: 'your label field',
      abstract: 'your abstract field'
      price: 'your price field',
      sale_price: 'your sale price field',
      image: 'your image field',
      isfavorite: 'your favorite field',
      rating: 'your rating field'

Configuration params for options prop

With the options object you can customize your grid widgets with the following params.

Name Description Type Default
color background color String #fff
title_color title color String #555
text_color all text color String #ccc
price price color String #555
sale_color sale price color String #ff0000
rating_color rating stars color String #ffd055
rating show rating Boolean true
favorite show favorite Boolean true
salebox show SALE box if item is on sale Boolean false
currency prepend currency to price String $
elevation add box shadow effect
- '0' = no effect
- '1 thru 3' = 3 box shadow effects available
String '1'
btn_1* you can assign your html icon String <i class="material-icons">favorite_border</i>*
btn_1_on* btn_1 toggle String <i class="material-icons">favorite</i>*
btn_2* assign your icon html code String <i class="material-icons">shopping_cart</i>*


* to use default values you need to add the Google Material Icons to your project.


 data: ()=>({
    config : {
      color: '#fafafa',
      title_color: '#ff0000',


vue-products-grid emits 4 events (this.$emit(...)) in order to get the following user actions:

  • click on image or title
  • click add to cart (shopping cart icon)
  • click on rating (user set rating)
  • click on favorite icon (add to favorite)

The above events needs to be declared in the component bindings to connect your template. Your template needs to have the functions declared in the binding in the methods section (see complete examble below)

Event Required Description Type Return
@widgetSelected NO Clicked on image or title Function Object (product)
@widgetClick NO Click on btn_2 Function Object (product)
@widgetRating NO Set rating click Function -Integer (rating): rating selected by user
-Object (product): product clicked
@widgetFavorite NO Click on btn_1 Function -Object (product): product clicked
- Boolean (true/false): product favorite
-Integer (index): index of the items array

You can assign your custom logic to each emitted event. Example : you can change the add to cart event emitted behavior to open the single product page instead to add to cart logic.

Full Example

import ProductsGrid from 'vue-products-grid.vue'
export default {
  name: "test",
  data: () => ({
    //sample data
    items: [
      { _id: "1", product: "Margherita", fullprice: 22, sale: 0 , category: "Sliced Pizza" , description: "<span style='color:#ccc'>my description width a style injected</span>" ,image: "" , fav: false},
      { _id: "2", product: "Capricciosa", fullprice: 25, sale: 22 , category: "Sliced Pizza" , description: "my description" , image: "" , fav: false , stars: 3.5},
      { _id: "3", product: "Napoli", fullprice: 20, sale: 0 , category: "Sliced Pizza" , description: "my description" , image: "" , fav: false },
      { _id: "3", product: "Salame Piccante", fullprice: 19, sale: 0 , category: "Sliced Pizza" , description: "my description" ,image: "" , fav: false }
    //mapping fields
    mapping: {
      id:   '_id',
      name: 'product',
      label: 'category',
      abstract: 'description',
      price: 'fullprice',
      sale_price: 'sale',
      image: 'image',
      isfavorite: 'fav',
      rating: 'stars'
    //sample configuration
    options: {
      color: "#fff",
      title_color: "#555",
      text_color: "#ccc",
      price_color: "#555",
      sale_color: "#ff0000",
      icons_color: "#888",
      rating_color: "#ff0000",
      elevation: "1",
      rating: true,
      favorite: true,
      currency: "€",
      salebox: true,
      elevation: '1',
      btn_1: '<i class="material-icons">favorite_border</i>',
      btn_1_on: '<i class="material-icons">favorite</i>',
      btn_2: '<i class="material-icons">shopping_cart</i>',
  methods: {
    set_preview(product) {
      //.. do your logic ...
      console.log("clicked product=>", product);
    add_to_cart(product) {
      //.. do your logic ...
      console.log("add_to_cart product=>", product);
    set_rating(rating, product) {
      //.. do your logic ...
      console.log("rating=>", rating, "product=>", product);
    set_favorite(product, status, index) {
      //.. do your logic ...
      this.items[index].isfavorite = status;
      console.log("favorite product=>", product, "status=>", status);


  • add themes options (predefined themes)


Development or demo Component uses Google Material Design icons. If you don't have any icons library you can add to your index.html

<link href=",300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">


Latest commit to the master branch on 1-25-2019
Download as zip