Vue Avatar Cropper
A simple and elegant avatar cropping and upload plugin.
Property Name | Type | Description |
trigger |
String|Element | The element to trigger avatar pick |
upload-url |
String | Url of upload croppped image |
upload-form-name |
Object | Form name of upload request, default: 'file' |
upload-form-data |
Object | Additional form data, default: '{}' |
upload-handler |
Function | Handler to replace default upload handler, the argument is cropperJS instance. |
upload-headers |
Object | Headers of upload request, default: {} |
cropper-options |
Object | Options passed to the cropperJS instance, default: { |
aspectRatio: 1, |
autoCropArea: 1, |
viewMode: 1, |
movable: false, |
zoomable: false |
} |
output-options |
Object | Options passed to the cropper.getCroppedCanvas() method, default: {width: 512, height: 512} |
output-mime |
String | The resulting avatar image mime type, default: image/jpeg |
output-quality |
Number | The resulting avatar image quality [0 - 1], default: 0.9 (if the output-mime property is image/jpeg or image/webp ) |
mimes |
String | Allowed image formats, default: image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon |
labels |
Object | Label for buttons, default: { submit: "提交", cancel: "取消"} |
changed user picked a file
object, File object.reader
object, FileReader
submit right after a click on the submit button
uploading before submit upload request, params:
object, FormData instance.xhr
object, XMLHttpRequest instance.
uploaded after request is successful, params:
object, json parsed fromxhr.responseText
object, FormData instance.xhr
object, XMLHttpRequest instance.
completed after request has completed, params:
object, json parsed fromxhr.responseText
object, FormData instance.xhr
object, XMLHttpRequest instance.
error something went wrong, params:
error message.type
error type, example:upload
context data.
You can listen these events like this: