
A Vue component for Chrome-like tabs.
Drag-and-drop support provided by Draggabilly by @desandro.


npm install --save vue-tabs-chrome


  <vue-tabs-chrome v-model="tab" :tabs="tabs" />
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      tab: 'google',
      tabs: [
          label: 'google',
          key: 'google',
          closable: false,
          favico: require('./assets/google.jpg')
          label: 'facebook',
          key: 'facebook',
          favico: require('./assets/fb.jpg')
          label: 'New Tab',
          key: 'costom key',
          favico: (h, { tab, index }) => {
            return h('span', tab.label)


Attributes Description Type Default
tabs tabs configuration. Details are mentioned below. Array []
value / v-model binding value String -
props configuration options, Details are mentioned below.
insert-to-after Insert to tag's after Boolean false
is-mousedown-active set tab is active when mousedown Boolean true
renderLabel render label Function(tab, index) -
autoHiddenCloseIconWidth auto hidden close tab width. if tabWidth < 120, close icon can not show. If you don’t want this feature, you can set the value to 0. Number 120
onClose when tab close btn click. if return false, it cannot be closed. Function(tab, key, index) -

Tabs Attributes

Attributes Description Type Default
label tab label String -
key tab key String -
class tab class String -
closable tab closable Boolean true
favico tab favico. Custom favico renderer. It uses Vue's render function. It accepts two arguments: the first is h, the second is an object. including tab and index Function, required image -

Props Attributes

Attributes Description Type Default
label specify which key of tab object is used as the tab's label String 'label'
key specify which key of tab object is used as the tab's key String 'key'


Method Description Parameters
addTab add tab (tab1, [,, ...tabN])
removeTab remove tab (tabKey or index)
getTabs get tabs -


Event Name Description Parameters
click Triggered when the user's pointer is pressed and unpressed and has not moved enough to start dragging. (event, tab, index)
swap Swap tab (tab, targetTab)
remove Remove tab (tab, index)
contextmenu Contextmenu event (event, tab, index)
dragstart Tab dragstart event (event, tab, index)
dragging Tab dragstart event (event, tab, index)
dragend Tab dragend event (event, tab)


Attributes Description
after Tab after slot
