video player A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier Jul 07, 2018 1 min read v-playback A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier. View demo Download Source Install npm install v-playback --save Bash Include plugin in your main.js file. import Vue from 'vue' import vPlayBack from 'v-playback'; Vue.use(vPlayBack); Js Deploy on your component template <template> <v-playback :url="url" ></v-playback> </template> HTML script export default { data(){ return { url: '' } } }; Js GitHub TerryZ/v-playback?? — Read MoreDownload as zip video playerPlayer
Player Embed a YouTube player easily and lazy load the video with vue Embed a YouTube player easily and lazy load the video to save resources and reduces initial load size. 29 March 2021
video player A set of Vue components for the plyr video & audio player A set of Vue components for the plyr video & audio player. 29 April 2018