VueJs Spreadsheet

An easier Spreadsheet in Vue.js

Do not hesitate to :star: my repo

Project setup

yarn add vuejs-spreadsheet

npm i vuejs-spreadsheet
  import VueTable from 'vuejs-spreadsheet';
  export default {
    name: 'app',
    data() {
    components: {

Wiki :mortar_board:

Props Type Description
:tbody-data Array That contains data
:headers Array That contains headers
:custom-options Object That contains Options
:style-wrap-vue-table Object That contains style of the wrapper tableVue
:disable-cells Array That contains the headerKey you want to disable
:disable-sort-thead Array That contains the disabled th
:loading Boolean True => Hidden TbodyData / show slot loader
:parent-scroll-element Object That contains the HTML attribute which overflow-y: scroll (by-default is 'html')
....                               |            | That contains a top and left position you want to add to the select

:select-position | Object | That contains a top and left position you want to add to the select
:submenu-tbody | Array | That contains the submenu-tbody
:submenu-thead | Array | That contains the submenu-thead

Options Type Description
:fuse-options Object That contains an object of fuse configuration look on her website:
:new-data Object That contains the type of data when you have empty cell in a row
:sort-header Boolean That activates sort button on header
:tbody-index Boolean That displays the index of each row on the left of the table
:trad Object That contains an object of translating
Function Type Description
v-on:tbody-change-data Function Fired when data undergo modifications
v-on:tbody-input-change Function When the input changes
v-on:tbody-select-change Function When the select change
v-on:handle-up-drag-size-header Function Fired when the header size changed
v-on:thead-td-sort Function When you press the button sort
v-on:tbody-up-dragtofill Function Fired when pressed up on dragToFill
v-on:tbody-move-dragtofill Function Fired when moved on dragToFill
v-on:tbody-nav-backspace Function When you press backspace on cell (event, actualElement, actualCol, rowIndex, colIndex)
v-on:tbody-nav-multiple-backspace Function Fired when the multiple cell are delete
v-on:tbody-submenu-click-{#} Function {#} - Name of the function declared on submenu-tbody



    // if your want to add an specific header
    <div slot="header">
      Specific Header

    // if your want to add a loader
    <div slot="loader">

Options :honeybee:

  customOptions: {
    dragToFill: true,
    tbodyIndex: true,
    sortHeader: true,
    trad: {
      lang: 'fr',
      en: {
        select: {
          placeholder: 'Search by typing',
      fr: {
        select: {
          placeholder: 'Taper pour chercher',
    newData: {
      type: 'input',
      value: '',
      active: false,
      style: {
        color: '#000',
    fuseOptions: {
      shouldSort: true,
      threshold: 0.2,
      location: 0,
      distance: 30,
      maxPatternLength: 64,
      minMatchCharLength: 1,
      findAllMatches: false,
      tokenize: false,
      keys: [

Headers :tiger:

Name Type Description
headerName String The chosen header name
headerkey String The Slugify version of the headerName
style Object The style of the td
- width         | String  | Indicate the width of ``<th>``
- minWidth      | String  | minWidth must be equal to width

disabled | Boolean | optional - Disabled cell


headers: [
    headerName: 'Image',
    headerKey: 'img',
    style: {
      width: '100px'
      minWidth: '100px'
    headerName: 'Nom',
    headerKey: 'name',
    style: {
      width: '100px'
      minWidth: '100px'
    headerName: 'Prénom',
    headerKey: 'surname',
    style: {
      width: '100px'
      minWidth: '100px'
    headerName: 'Age',
    headerKey: 'age',
    style: {
      width: '100px'
      minWidth: '100px'
    headerName: 'Born',
    headerKey: 'born',
    style: {
      width: '100px'
      minWidth: '100px'

Data :honeybee:

Name Type Description
key String The key of the object written in Slugify
type String The type of data rendered (<textarea>, <img>, <select>)
value(img/input) String The value of the object in String Type
value(select) Array The value of the object in Array Type
selectOptions Array That contains objects {value: ~, label: ~}
style Object The Style of the cell
active Boolean Of the cell, false by default
handleSearch Boolean - Activates search when selected
disabled Boolean optional - Disabled cell


products: [
    img: {
      type: 'img',
      value: '',
      active: false,
      disabled: true,
    name: {
      type: 'input',
      value: 'John',
      active: false,
      style: {
        color: '#000',
    surname: {
      type: 'input',
      value: 'Doe',
      active: false,
      style: {
        color: '#000',
    age: {
      type: 'select',
      handleSearch: true,
      selectOptions: [
          value: 'paris',
          label: 'Paris',
          value: 'new-york',
          label: 'New York',
      value: 'paris',
      active: false,
    born: {
      type: 'select',
      handleSearch: true,
      selectOptions: [
          value: 'france',
          label: 'France',
          value: 'usa',
          label: 'United States of America',
      value: 'france',
      active: false,

New Data :tiger:


Same Object describe on the top

If you choose an input

newData: {
  type: 'input',
  value: '',
  active: false,
  style: {
    color: '#000',
    background: '#cfffcf',
Name Type Description
type String The type of data rendered (<button>
value String The value of the function
function String The name of the function called when you click on the button - Written in Slugify
disabled Array Each object which you want to hide on the submenu
subtitle String Of the select
selectOptions Array That contains objects {value: ~, label: ~}
buttonOption Object Description
. value String The value of the button
. function String The name of the function called when you click on the button - Written in Slugify
. style Object The style of the button


  submenuTbody: [
      type: 'button',
      value: 'Change Color',
      function: 'change-color',
      disabled: ['img'],
  submenuThead: [ 
      type: 'button',
      value: 'Change Color',
      function: 'change-color',
      disabled: ['img', 'name'],
      type: 'select',
      disabled: ['img'],
      subtitle: 'Select state:',
      selectOptions: [
          value: 'new-york',
          label: 'new-york',
          value: 'france',
          label: 'france',
      value: 'new-york',
      buttonOption: {
        value: 'change city',
        function: 'change-city',
        style: {
          display: 'block',

Example :mortar_board: :tiger:

  <div id="app">
    <div slot="header">
      Specific Header
    <div slot="loader">


import VueTable from 'vuejs-spreadsheet';

export default {
  name: 'app',
  data() {
    return {
      customOptions: {
        tbodyIndex: true,
        sortHeader: true,
        trad: {
          lang: 'fr',
          en: {
            select: {
              placeholder: 'Search by typing',
          fr: {
            select: {
              placeholder: 'Taper pour chercher',
        newData: {
          type: 'input',
          value: '',
          active: false,
          style: {
            color: '#000',
        fuseOptions: {
          shouldSort: true,
          threshold: 0.2,
          location: 0,
          distance: 30,
          maxPatternLength: 64,
          minMatchCharLength: 1,
          findAllMatches: false,
          tokenize: false,
          keys: [
      submenuTbody: [
          type: 'button',
          value: 'change color',
          function: 'change-color',
          disabled: ['img'],
          type: 'button',
          value: 'change value',
          function: 'change-value',
          disabled: ['img', 'name'],
      submenuThead: [
          type: 'button',
          value: 'change color',
          function: 'change-color',
          disabled: ['a'],
          type: 'select',
          disabled: ['a'],
          subtitle: 'Select state:',
          selectOptions: [
              value: 'new-york',
              label: 'new-york',
              value: 'france',
              label: 'france',
          value: 'new-york',
          buttonOption: {
            value: 'change city',
            function: 'change-city',
            style: {
              display: 'block',
          type: 'button',
          value: 'change value',
          function: 'change-value',
          disabled: ['a', 'b'],
      disableCells: ['a'],
      loading: false,
      parentScrollElement: {
        attribute: 'html',
        positionTop: 0,
      selectPosition: {
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
      disableSortThead: ['a'],
      styleWrapVueTable: {
        color: '15px',
      headers: [
          headerName: 'A',
          headerKey: 'a',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'B',
          headerKey: 'b',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'C',
          headerKey: 'c',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'D',
          headerKey: 'd',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'E',
          headerKey: 'e',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'F',
          headerKey: 'f',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
          headerName: 'G',
          headerKey: 'g',
          style: {
            width: '200px',
            minWidth: '200px',
            color: '#000',
      products: [
          a: {
            type: 'img',
            value: '',
            active: false,
          c: {
            type: 'input',
            value: 'Paris',
            active: false,
            style: {
              color: '#000',
          d: {
            type: 'input',
            value: 'France',
            active: false,
            style: {
              color: '#000',
          e: {
            type: 'input',
            value: 'Boe',
            active: false,
            style: {
              color: '#000',
          f: {
            type: 'select',
            handleSearch: true,
            selectOptions: [
                value: 'Harry Potter',
                label: 'harry potter',
                value: 'Hermione Granger',
                label: 'hermione granger',
                value: 'Ron Whisley',
                label: 'ron whisley',
                value: 'Dobby',
                label: 'dobby',
                value: 'Hagrid',
                label: 'hagrid',
                value: 'Professeur Rogue',
                label: 'professeur rogue',
                value: 'Professeur Mcgonagal',
                label: 'professeur mcgonagal',
                value: 'Professeur Dumbledor',
                label: 'professeur dumbledor',
            value: 'professeur dumbledor',
            active: false,
          g: {
            type: 'select',
            handleSearch: true,
            selectOptions: [
                value: 1980,
                label: 1980,
                value: 1981,
                label: 1981,
                value: 1982,
                label: 1982,
                value: 1983,
                label: 1983,
                active: true,
                value: 1984,
                label: 1984,
            value: 1983,
            active: false,
  components: {
  mounted() {
    this.loading = true;
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.loading = false;
    }, 300);
  methods: {
    changeData(row, header) {
      console.log(row, header);
    sortProduct(event, header, colIndex) {
      console.log('sort product');
    // callback
    changeColorThead(event, header, colIndex) {
      this.headers[colIndex].style.color = '#e40000';
    changeColorTbody(event, header, rowIndex, colIndex) {
      this.products[rowIndex][header].style = {};
      this.products[rowIndex][header].style.color = '#e40000';
    changeValueTbody(event, header, rowIndex, colIndex) {
      this.products[rowIndex][header].value = 'T-shirt';
    changeValueThead(event, entry, colIndex) {
      this.headers[colIndex].headerName = 'T-shirt';

<style lang="scss">
::-moz-selection {
  color: #2c3e50;
  background: transparent;
::selection {
  color: #2c3e50;
  background: transparent;
