
Flexible modal component for Vue with ability of asynchronous lazy loading.


Firstly, you should add Modal component in your template.

<div id="app">
import { Modal } from 'vue-async-modal'

export default {
  components: {

Then, you will be able to get the modal instance via this.$modal in every Vue component.

We provide a basic modal component ModalItem.

If you want to open modal MyModal in component Demo:

// Demo.vue
<button @click="loadMyModal"></button>
export default {
  methods: {
    loadMyModal() {
        id: 'my-modal',
        component: import('./MyModal.vue'),
        options: {
          destroy: true
        props: {

// MyModal.vue
<!-- the simplest way to use default header template an override modal-title is use prop header -->
<!-- if you want to use default footer template, just add prop `footer: true` -->
<!-- every ModalItem instance will show/disppear with a fade transition by default -->
<!-- you can define prop transition to use your own transition, or just pass empty string `transition` prop to disable it -->
<modal-item :header="Modal Header" :footer="true">
  <!-- slot header will be content of .modal-header -->
  <template slot="header">
      <div class="modal-title">I'm Modal Title</div>

  <!-- default slot will be used as content in .modal-body -->
  I'm content of Modal Body

  <!-- or you can use slot body to rewrite whole .modal-body -->
  <div class="modal-body" slot="body">
    Let's rewrite default .modal-body

  <!-- you can overwrite footer content by slot footer -->
  <template slot="footer">
    <!-- cancle/confirm text can be rewrote by prop `cancleText` and `confirmText` -->
    <button class="btn btn-default">取消</button>
    <!-- if you are using `footer: true`, it will trigger `confirm` event on clicking confirm btn-->
    <!-- or you can use prop `disbaled: true` to disbale it -->
    <button class="btn btn-primary">确定</button>
import { ModalItem } from 'vue-async-modal'

export default {
  components: {


There are several useful methods on modal instance:

  1. open a modal instance
this.${id, component, options, props}): Promise

id is optional, if no id passed in, it will generate a id by timestamp.

component could be a normal Vue component or a promise which will resolve a Vue component,
so that we could use code spit and dynamic loading here.

options: {show, backdrop, destroy}:

show and backdrop will true if you don't set it.

If show is true, when you open modal, it will show automatically, or it will just add into DOM without displaying.

If backdrop is true, modal will open with a transparent black backdrop, unless backdrop is static,
when user click modal outside, modal will auto trigger close event.

If destroy is true, the modal instance will destroy automatically on closing.

  1. close or destroy a modal instance
this.$modal.close(id, destroy): Promise

If id is falsy, it will be automatically choose current modal instance id.

if destroy is true, the modal instance will be destroyed even if it's options.destroy is false.


Flexible modal component for Vue with ability of asynchronous lazy loadingRead More

Latest commit to the master branch on 11-1-2020
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