
feathers-vuex is a first class integration of the Feathers Client and Vuex. It implements many Redux best practices under the hood, eliminates a lot of boilerplate code, and still allows you to easily customize the Vuex store.


  • Fully powered by Vuex & Feathers
  • Realtime By Default
  • Actions With Reactive Data
  • Local Queries
  • Fall-Through Caching
  • Feathers Query Syntax
  • $FeathersVuex Vue Plugin
  • Live Queries
  • Per-Service Data Modeling
  • Clone & Commit
  • Vuex Strict Mode
  • Per-Record Defaults
  • Data Level Computes
  • Relation Support


npm install feathers-vuex --save

Basic Examples

To setup feathers-vuex, we first need to setup a Feathers Client. Here's an example using the latest @feathersjs npm packages.


import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import auth from '@feathersjs/authentication-client'
import io from 'socket.io-client'

const socket = io('http://localhost:3030', {transports: ['websocket']})

const feathersClient = feathers()
  .configure(auth({ storage: window.localStorage }))

export default feathersClient

And here's how you would integrate the Feathers Client into the Vuex store:


import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import feathersVuex from 'feathers-vuex'
import feathersClient from '../feathers-client'

const { service, auth, FeathersVuex } = feathersVuex(feathersClient, { idField: '_id' })


export default new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [

    // Specify custom options per service
    service('/v1/tasks', {
      idField: '_id', // The field in each record that will contain the id
      nameStyle: 'path', // Use the full service path as the Vuex module name, instead of just the last section
      namespace: 'custom-namespace', // Customize the Vuex module name.  Overrides nameStyle.
      autoRemove: true, // Automatically remove records missing from responses (only use with feathers-rest)
      enableEvents: false, // Turn off socket event listeners. It's true by default
      addOnUpsert: true, // Add new records pushed by 'updated/patched' socketio events into store, instead of discarding them. It's false by default
      skipRequestIfExists: true, // For get action, if the record already exists in store, skip the remote request. It's false by default
      modelName: 'OldTask' // Default modelName would have been 'Task'

    // Add custom state, getters, mutations, or actions, if needed.  See example in another section, below.
    service('things', {
      state: {},
      getters: {},
      mutations: {},
      actions: {}

    // Setup a service with defaults for Model instances
    service('manufacturers', {
      instanceDefaults: {
        name: ''
    // Setup a service with light-weight relational data
    service('models', {
      instanceDefaults: {
        name: '',
        manufacturerId: '',
        manufacturer: 'Manufacturer' // Refers to data (populated on the server) that gets put in the `manufacturers` vuex store.

    // Setup the auth plugin.
    auth({ userService: 'users' })
