likecoin-store, official site of LikeCoin Foundation.

Essential Folder structure

├── components # Vue components
├── layouts # nuxt layouts
├── locales # i18n locale files
│   ├── client # client side i18n handled by vue-i18n
│   └── server # server side i18n handled by i18n
├── middleware # nuxt middleware
├── pages # actual with automated router pages
├── plugins # nuxt plugins
├── server # express server
│   ├── api # server apis
│   ├── config # server config and credentials
│   └── util # misc server side libraries
├── static # static asset
├── store # vuex store
├── backpack.config.js # server builder config
└── nuxt.config.js # nuxt config

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm start
