
A collection of 133 posts

Vue.js component for eonasdan bootstrap datetimepicker

Vue-Bootstrap-DatetimePicker Vue.js v2.x component for eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker Features Reactive v-model value You can change datepicker value programmatically Reactive config options You can change config options dynamically Component will watch for changes and
04 August 2017

Vue.js v2.x component for Flatpickr date-time picker

Vue-flatPickr Vue.js v2.x component for Flatpickr date-time picker Features Reactive v-model value You can change flatpickr value programmatically Reactive config options You can change config options dynamically Component will watch for
04 August 2017

Timepicker component for Vue 2

vuejs timepickr This is a timepicker component for Vue 2. This was experiment with Vue 2. This repository is not maintained, but you are free to fork it. Component is touch & keyboard
28 March 2017

Date-picker component for Vue.js

vue-calendar date-picker component for Vue.js Usage <template> <calendar :show-date-picker.sync="showDatePicker" :time.sync="time" :date-value.sync="dateValue" v-if="showDatePicker" transition="
16 March 2017

Simple calendar widget built on Vue.js

Calendar widget Simple calendar widget built on Vue.js live demo Calendar supports keyboard: arrows - change date; enter - choose date; space - toggle view; esc -
16 March 2017

Vue Events Bulletin Board

Vue Events Bulletin Board This is the code for the Vue.js tutorial on In the tutorial we build a events bulletin board application and cover the basics of Vue. codepen
14 September 2016

FullCalendar Vue Component

FullCalendar Vue Component BY Dieter Frei codepen demo See the Pen FullCalendar Vue Component by Dieter Frei (@diemah77) on CodePen.
21 August 2016

A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker

A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin. vue-datetime-picker A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin.
17 August 2016