
This is the last package you will ever need to build your custom dashboard or administrative panel. It includes:

  • AdminLTE (only styles)
  • Vue.js based ready-to-use out of the box SPA
  • Simple but flexible customization system
  • OpenAPI 3 (formerly known as Swagger) specification for a compatible server API implementation
  • Big variety of built-in field types
  • Big variety of built-in data display format types
  • Type-safe by design
  • Suitable for a fast prototyping


I was so tired of looking for a robust solution for dashboards and administrative panels.
For they are many and still all of them are a piece of something bad.
And I made this module with all the love my heart can give and I am confident you will feel that love after typing
npm i -S vue-admin-front in the console.

What about server solutions?

Only PHP7.1/Laravel based solution exists at the moment.
Making more of them will be very appreciated.
Read the docs for more info.

How to use?


npm i -S vue-admin-front cross-env rimraf webpack-command

Add this to package.json scripts:

	"admin:dev": "node node_modules/vue-admin-front/index.js",
	"admin:build": "rimraf public/admin-dist && cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config node_modules/vue-admin-front/webpack.config.js"

Use npm run admin:dev to start dev server, npm run admin:build to make a static build within public/admin-dist directory.
