Basic Redis Caching Demo
This app returns the number of repositories a Github account has. When you first search for an account, the server calls Github’s API to return the response. This can take 100s of milliseconds. The server then adds the details of this slow response to Redis for future requests. When you search again, the next response comes directly from Redis cache instead of calling Github. The responses are usually returned in a millisecond or so making it blazing fast.
Overview video
Here’s a short video that explains the project and how it uses Redis:
Try it out
Deploy to Heroku
Deploy to Vercel:
Deploy to Google Cloud
How it works?
1. How the data is stored:
SETEX microsoft 3600 1000
2. How the data is accessed:
GET microsoft
How to run it locally?
to create .env
. And provide the values for environment variables
Copy - REDIS_ENDPOINT_URI: Redis server URI
- REDIS_PASSWORD: Password to the server
Run frontend
cd client
yarn serve
Run backend
yarn start