
Laravue (pronounced /ˈlarəvjuː/) is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by vue-element-admin with our love on top of that. With the powerful Laravel framework as the backend, Vue.js as the high performance on the frontend, Laravue appears to be a full-stack solution for an enterprise application level.



Getting started


  • Laravue is positioned as an enterprise management solution, and it is highly recommended to use it to start from scratch.
  • For existing Laravel project, you should check Laravue Core for integration.
  • Your machine needs to be ready for the latest Laravel and Node.js.



# Clone the project and run composer
composer create-project tuandm/laravue
cd laravue

# Migration and DB seeder (after changing your DB settings in .env)
php artisan migrate --seed

# Install dependency with NPM
npm install

# develop
npm run dev # or npm run watch

# Build on production
npm run production


docker-compose up -d

Build static files within Laravel container with npm

# Get laravel docker container ID from containers list
docker ps

docker exec -it <container ID> npm run dev # or npm run watch
# Where <container ID> is the "laravel" container name, ex: src_laravel_1

Open http://localhost:8000 (laravel container port declared in docker-compose.yml) to access Laravue

Running the tests

  • Tests system is under development

Deployment and/or CI/CD

This project uses Envoy for deployment, and GitLab CI/CD. Please check Envoy.blade.php and .gitlab-ci.yml for more detail.


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