Welcome to MCircleProgressBar!

Circle Progress Bar

Hi! Highly customizable & lightweight & responsive circular progressbar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable.

Only 9 Kb!!


npm install --save vue3-m-circle-progress-bar

Adding into app

import  CircleProgressBar from 'vue3-m-circle-progress-bar';
import 'vue3-m-circle-progress-bar/style.css'

<CircleProgressBar :value="7" :max="10" />


Please write me, if you need more props ? You can customize your progress bars as you want. For example:

Props Type HTML
max* Number Max value
value* Number Current value.
colorFilled String Circle color if limit exceed
colorUnfilled String Circle color if limit not exceed
percentage BooleaN Show percentage
rounded BooleaN Rounding the circle line
animationDuration String Animation Duration
strokeWidth String Circle Stroke width


Also you can use slots to throw your custom content. For example:

{{ value }} / {{ max }}


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