Disney Plus Landing Page

Disney plus is a movie and series watching platform, just a Single Page UI designed using Vuejs and VuetifyJS.

Designed by Rebeca Belin using Figma

You can check his work on instagram @ Rebeca Belin

Figma UI link @ link

alt text

PSA for those who want to clone or fork this repo and use it.

Please be a decent person and give me proper credit by linking back to my website! Refer to this handy post if you are not sure [Quora](https://www.quora.com/Is-it-bad-to-copy-other-peoples-code)

Task to do

  • Add animation effect

v2 Update task

  • Handle screen for sm md xl and lg(1600,1800,1900)px’s
  • Modify component height and width sizes(move from vh to em)

Fulfil my dream

I always want to develop new UI’s with various frontend framework and tools day in day out. only your support can give me the time and space to keep developing nice content.

i have a plan of creating an opensource marketplace on my site for people to download quality frontend UI from web to mobile to desktop.
support my dream by buying me a coffee

BNB(coin): bnb1eams6jneauszx9g2zw586ye98zpadwssmg0hjk

SOLANA(coin): HhzKZ2LLkFwgzWw5e5VvfJkC7XVJZFkPqkw6GUgZmv74

send me a mail to papabackend@gmail.com so i can add to the sponsors list. Thanks for making my dream come through.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm lint


View Github