
Download and play songs from your phone. Optionally you can sync with firebase, allowing easy use of multiple devices.

Go here for installation.

Easily play and download songs

View all songs and by artists

Automatically generated albums as well as Custom ones

Shuffle and view queue

This app is the desktop version of this app.

If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to open a pull request or file an issue

If you wish to customize or learn more about the project, go here.

Download and Installation


Api keys

The app requires A Napster API Key, to function. You can also optionally add Firebase for syncing.

Steps to create the API Keys can be viewed here.

Once you have those created, you can move onto running the app. You will need to enter the api keys directly in the app.

Build Dependecies

You will need node and yarn for this project. Run:

yarn install

This will install dependecies.

Running without a regular installation

If you wish to test the app to see if it works run:

yarn dev

This will open it in developer mode, with devtools open.


OS Specific Config:


  • Depending on your system package manager, vue.config.js, change the linux target to deb, rpm, freebsd, pacman, p5p, apk. You can also build to AppImage, 7z, zip, tar.xz, tar.lz, tar.gz, tar.bz2, dir.

Build Command

yarn build

This builds the project and creates a release folder, with the appropriate format.

The app hasn’t been tested on Mac and Windows, there might be some bugs, related to building the project as well as running it. Please report open a pull request or file an issue to fix the issue.


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