OVHcloud PCC web interface

Web interface displaying realtime OVHcloud PCC infrastructure data (virtual machines, hosts and datastores health & resource usage).

Not affiliated with OVHcloud.

Written in PHP/Laravel and VueJS. Depends on the OVHcloud API wrapper


Datacenter view:

Datacenter view


Clone repository :

git clone

Switch to deploy branch :

git fetch origin deploy

Copy default env file :

cp .env.example .env

Fill the env file :

vim .env

Read to find the URL to generate the script credentials and the supported endpoints

Install dependencies based on lock file

composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

Clear cache

php artisan optimize

Create the storage symbolic links

php artisan storage:link



  • PHP >= 7.4
  • NodeJS >= 12

Clone repository (main branch) :

git clone [email protected]:carsso/pcc-manager.git

Install PHP dependencies with Composer :

composer install

Install JS dependencies with NPM :

npm install

Copy default env file :

cp .env

Fill the env file :

vim .env

Read to find the URL to generate the script credentials and the supported endpoints

Create the storage symbolic links

php artisan storage:link

Build js and css files:

npm run dev

Build js and css files automatically while developing :

npm run watch


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.