Three.js Portfolio Landing Page + Main page

Live site Note: Main page in progress!

This is a portfolio landing page I built for fun as an intro into several new topics for me. Originally made by Chris Lis, but I used different solutions and put a lot of fun twists on it, my favorite by far being Rainbow Mode. Hope you enjoy drawing with it as much as I did ?

Here are some of the things I learned from this course:

  • Installing and importing Three.js into the project
  • Understanding buffer attrs and mibutes and decoding them within arrays
  • Utilizing the Three.js raycaster for mouse-to-scene interactions
  • Creating a galaxy of stars using Three.js point clouds
  • Traversing the scene with 3D camera movement
  • Resizing the scene using JavaScript event listeners
  • Real-time editing of the scene using a graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Setting up a simple Vite server for importing and exporting modules
  • Understanding how geometrieaterials work together to form meshes
  • Integrating HTML and CSS elements into the scene
  • Integrating the project into a framework (Nuxt.js) for transitioning between web pages.

Things I want to improve/experiment with in the future

  • Improve accessibility for mobile. As of now, the mobile experience is lacking because OrbitControls do not seem well optimized. Thinking of turn off OrbitControls on mobile for now
  • Make the entire plane wavy
  • Add lasers.


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