BrewFlasher Web Edition

A web-based tool for flashing brewing-related firmware to your ESP8266 or ESP32.

Image of BrewFlasher GUI


BrewFlasher Web Edition is a web-based tool that allows the user to flash specific firmware (upload software) to an
ESP32 or ESP8266. It will automatically locate the firmware on the internet, download it, and flash it to your chip with
minimal input required. Simple, fast, and magic.

This project was built as a web-based alternative to BrewFlasher. Both clients share an
underlying firmware list and are

This project was built as a natural complement to a handful of other projects I either support or collaborate on, where
a user is expected to flash firmware to an ESP8266 or ESP32 controller. For many users, this step of the installation
process is the most daunting – either because it requires the use of third-party tools that aren’t mentioned in the
project they want to use, requires the use of the command line, or – oftentimes – isn’t explained at all. BrewFlasher
simplifies this process, handling most of the required steps automatically.

Note – BrewFlasher Web Edition can be launched by navigating to – this
repo should only be used by developers interested in extending the app’s features or integrating it into their own projects.


BrewFlasher Web Edition requires Web Serial support in your browser, and is therefore
limited to the current, desktop versions of the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera

If you do not use one of the above browsers, I recommend downloading the desktop version of BrewFlasher instead.

Using BrewFlasher Web Edition

BrewFlasher Web Edition is available for use at:

Downloading this repo is not recommended/required unless you are intending to help develop the app.

Supported Firmware

BrewFlasher is designed to specifically support a handful of beer- and brewing-related projects for the ESP32 or
ESP8266. Those projects include:

  • BrewPi-ESP8266
  • TiltBridge
  • BrewBubbles
  • Keg Cop
  • Flite
  • iSpindHub
  • GravityMon

An up-to-date list of supported firmware can be found at the BrewFlasher website.

If you have a beer- or brewing-related project you would like supported, raise
an issue on the Desktop BrewFlasher repo and we can discuss it.

If you are looking to flash generic firmware, I recommend the NodeMCU PyFlasher
desktop tool that BrewFlasher was based on.

Developer Notes

BrewFlasher Web Edition is a Vue3-based web app. It uses esp-web-tools to
handle firmware flashing and uses a list of firmware/firmware manifests hosted at

The app can be installed locally for development using NPM:

Project setup
npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build


BrewFlasher Web Edition is licensed under the MIT license and is
© John Beeler 2022.

As noted in the license, this software is provided without warranty of any kind. As when flashing any microcontroller,
a possibility of damage exists. Be careful, as all use of BrewFlasher is at your own risk.


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