
The package implements dropdown navbar, it based on Tailwind CSS.

Demo Link



$ npm install vue3-dropdown-navbar


<script setup lang="ts">
import {
} from "vue3-dropdown-navbar";
import { ref } from "vue";

const dropdownMenu = ref<InstanceType<typeof TheDropDownMenu>>();
const toggleDarkMode = () => {

    <template #logo>
      <TheDropDownNavbarLogo>Vue3 DropDown Navbar</TheDropDownNavbarLogo>
    <TheDropDownItem link="/home">Home</TheDropDownItem>
    <TheDropDownMenu text="Dropdown 1" ref="dropdownMenu">
      <TheDropDownItem>Dropdown Item 1</TheDropDownItem>
      <TheDropDownItem>Dropdown Item 2</TheDropDownItem>
      <TheDropDownMenu text="Dropdown Item 3">
        <TheDropDownItem>Dropdown Item 3-1</TheDropDownItem>
        <TheDropDownItem>Dropdown Item 3-2</TheDropDownItem>
        <TheDropDownItem>Sign out</TheDropDownItem>
    <TheDropDownItem @click="toggleDarkMode">Toggle Dark Mode</TheDropDownItem>

    class="border bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-lg"
    Open Dropdown Menu

Assume you have not installed TailwindCSS, you may reset the style, can import preflight in main.(js|ts), it provides by Tailwind CSS.

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
// ...

import "vue3-dropdown-navbar/preflight.css"; // <-- Add this

const app = createApp(App);



Property Description

if the suffix is (?), which is an optional property.

TheDropDownNavbarLogo component available properties:

Type Name Description
String link? set link.
String imageUrl? set image url.
String alt? set image alt property.
Boolean native? set whether use native (<a>) link.

TheDropDownMenu component available properties:

Type Name Description
String text set text for dropdown menu.
Boolean closeOthers? set whether close other menus when open this menu.

TheDropDownItem component available properties:

Type Name Description
String link? set link.
Boolean native? set whether use native (<a>) link.

Function Description

TheDropDownNavbar component available function:

Name Description
closeAllDropdownMenu close all dropdown menus.

TheDropDownMenu component available function:

Name Description
openDropdownMenu open this dropdown menu.
closeDropdownMenu close this dropdown menu.

Extra Slot Description

TheDropDownNavbar component available slot:

Name Description
logo set navbar left side content, recommand using TheDropDownNavbarLogo component.

Common Attribute Description

Name Description
no-close-others by default, dropdown menu closes when clicking another element, if you want to click a specific element without closing dropdown menu, this can help you.


<button no-close-others>Click Me Without Close Dropdown Menu</button>

Dark Mode

Add dd-nav-dark class to <html> tag.


View Github