Accessible Vuejs accordion

  • An expandable and accessible accordion with a custom title and content.
  • Keyboard can be used to navigate the items.
  • accordion-list and accordion-item are a Vuejs component.
  • Serves a static page generated with Nuxtjs.

Keyboard support

Key Function
Space or Enter When focus is on the accordion header of a collapsed section, expands the section.
Tab - Moves focus to the next focusable element.
- All focusable elements in the accordion are included in the Tab sequence.
Shift + Tab - Moves focus to the previous focusable element.
- All focusable elements in the accordion are included in the Tab sequence.
Down arrow - When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the next accordion header.
- When focus is on last accordion header, moves focus to first accordion header.
Up arrow - When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the previous accordion header.
- When focus is on first accordion header, moves focus to last accordion header.
Home When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the first accordion header.
End When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the last accordion header.


Component has been tested on:

  • VoiceOver in Safari/Chrome on MacOS.
  • NVDA on Windows 8.
  • JAWS on Windows 8.
