Cloud Sync Button
Button/progress-bar with cloud synchronization animation in vanilla JavaScript, Vue.js and Web component formats.
How to use
This component is available in three versions:
- Vue.js component - in the
directory - Vanilla JavaScript code - in the
directory - As a
Web component
- in theweb-component-version
Vanilla JavaScript version
The code is self-explanatory
Web Component version
It's built using Custom Elements - a well supported technology nowadays. For older browsers a polifill is available
Vue version
Vue component consists of one CloudSyncButton.vue
file that can be copy-pasted into your Vue.js project or can be plugged in as an NPM package:
Then you can use it in the your Vue code:
Two reactive parameters handle the button state: inSync
- starts and stops the synchronization,
and syncProgress
- shows the synchronization progress.
, stopSync
and completeSync
methods are used to manage the button representation programmatically.
For more details please see an example of usage in the App.vue
Try it on
Check out my other Vue.js components
- Vuesence book - minimalistic Vue.js based documentation component
- Sliding header - Vue.js component representing sliding header (or two different headers)
- Modal Window - simple lightweight Modal Window Vue.js component

Any bugs, issues, feature and pull requests are welcome
Please use GitHub's issue reporter or send me an email
Contribution is always welcome and recommended. Here is how:
- Fork the repository
- Clone to your machine
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
@vuesence/cloud-sync-button package is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.