VueJS Functional Calendar (Date Picker, Date Range)

VueJS Functional Calendar Component.

  • Lightweight, high performance calendar component based on Vue.js
  • Small memory usage, good performance, good style, and high scalability
  • Native js development, no third-party library introduced
  • Date Picker, Date Range, Multiple Calendars, Modal Calendar


  • Many clicks on Github pop-up calendar to select components for a certain time, but did not find a component that simply displays the calendar and can click to get time.
  • A small number of calendar components take up too much memory, which is obviously not reasonable for a simple function like a calendar.


npm i vue-functional-calendar --save


Import Component

// Introduced in vue file
import FunctionalCalendar from 'vue-functional-calendar';

Component Settings

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            calendar: {}
    clickDay(data) {
      console.log(data); // Get Clicked Day
    changeDate(data) {
      console.log(data); //Click left and right to switch months
    clickToday(data) {
      console.log(data); //Jumped to this month

Template Usage

      // v-model="calendar"
      // :day-names="dayNames" //dayNames=['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa']
      // :month-names="monthNames" //monthNames=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]
      // v-on:choseDay="clickDay"
      // v-on:changeMonth="changeDate"
      // v-on:isToday="clickToday"
      // :sundayStart="true"
      // :is-date-range="true"
      // :is-date-picker="true"
      // :is-modal="false"
      // :is-multiple="true"
      // :calendars-count="3"
      // :change-month-function="true"
      // :change-year-function="true"
      // :markDate=arr // arr=['2018/10/20','2018/10/28', '2018/10/16']
      // :agoDayHide='1514937600' //Do not click before a date. Timestamp 10 digits
      // :futureDayHide='1525104000' //Do not click after a date Timestamp 10 digits

Multiple tag examples

The className of the April 1 tag is mark 1 and some markup styles are made according to the class.

arr=[{date:'2018/4/1',className:"mark1"}, {date:'2018/4/13',className:"mark2"}];


Attributes Description Default Whether it must pass
choseDay Check the method called on a certain day to return the selected date YY-MM-DD No No
changeMonth Switch the method called by the month, return the date to switch to a certain month YY-MM-DD No No
isToday When switching the month, if you cut to the current month, call this method and return to the current month today. No No
markDate If you need to be marked for a few days of the month, pass the date array of the month. Such as [2,6,8], the second month, the 6th, the 6th, the 8th is marked (the same mark) Empty array No
markDateMore Need different tags as above, the last line of sample code for Usage Empty Array No
agoDayHide Do not click before a date. The timestamp length is 10 digits. 0 No
futureDayHide Do not click after a date. The timestamp length is 10 digits. Very large No
Add the ref attribute to the Calendar tab, exposing three methods to switch the month directly
For example: <FunctionalCalendar ref="Calendar"></FunctionalCalendar>

    ✅ this.$refs.Calendar.PreMonth();  //Call method implementation to go to last month
    ✅ this.$refs.Calendar.NextMonth(); //Call method implementation to go to next month
    ✅ this.$refs.Calendar.ChoseMonth('2018-12-12'); //Call method implementation to go to a month
    ✅ this.$refs.Calendar.ChoseMonth('2018-12-12',false); //Jump to December 12, 18, but do not select the day
    //The second parameter false means that the date is not selected
