
A collection of 111 posts

Markdown previewer based on Vue Sass and marked

Vue Markdown Previewer Markdown previewer based on Vue, Sass, and marked. For the Free Code Camp data visualization certification. I took the placeholder text from Free code camp. Made BY Matthew White. Live
18 September 2017

Vue.js component for Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor

Vue-Trumbowyg Vue.js v2.x component for Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor Features Reactive v-model value You can change editor value programmatically Play nice with vee-validate validation library GitHub
11 August 2017

A lightweight WYSIWYG editor for Vue.js

vue wysiwyg A lightweight WYSIWYG editor for Vue.js Usage In your main.js: Vue.use(wysiwyg, {}); // config is optional. more below Also make sure to load the stylesheet. The exact syntax will
11 August 2017

An autocompletion library to autocomplete for Vue

At.js for Vue. At.js is An autocompletion library to autocomplete mentions, smileys etc. Filter/Scroll/Insert/Delete Keyboard/Mouse events Plain-text based, no jQuery, no extra nodes ContentEditable Avatars, custom templates
11 August 2017

Vue component for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor

Vue JS Froala WYSIWYG Editor vue-froala-wyswiyg provides Vue bindings to the Froala WYSIWYG editor VERSION 2. Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML Editor written in Javascript that enables rich text editing capabilities
10 August 2017